this is the real secret of life — to be completely engaged with what you are doing in the here and now. and instead of calling it work, realize it is play
— Alan Watts

Photo by Phillip M. @livelikediaries


lets connect…

Fueled by curiosity and a hunger for knowledge, her journey into the complexities of human behavior and personal challenges led her to discover her calling as a healer.

Megan is a Somatic Activated Healer and Ayurvedic Embodiment Coach with a deep understanding of the mind-body connection. Megan empowers women to tap into their curiosity, embody their true selves, and unleash their inner power for liberation. She believes that our circumstances and pain do not define us, and through curiosity and creativity, we can align ourselves with the lives we've always dreamed of.

Through her mentorships and carefully crafted somatic programs, Megan guides individuals towards healing, joy, and the embodiment of their best selves—a profound journey towards a soul-aligned life. She provides a safe space for individuals to unfold and live their dharma, using their pain as a bridge to healing.

In addition to her work as a healer and coach, Megan finds joy in teaching yoga and meditation, hosting healing circles, and creating homemade body oils, herbal teas, and smoking blends. These creative outlets allow her to further enrich the holistic healing experiences of her clients.

When not coaching or teaching, Megan seeks solace and inspiration in nature, loves rollerskating in the park, expressing her artistic talents through painting, and cherishing quiet moments at home with her beloved cat, Steven.

With her unwavering dedication and compassionate guidance, Megan continues to inspire and empower individuals on their transformative journey towards self-discovery, empowerment, and alignment with their true selves.

Photo by Phillip M. @livelikediaries